Previous Newsletters

Families in Mission: Walking, listening and witnessing together (November 2022)

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The theme of this newsletter draws from the central focus of the Lambeth Conference 2022. IAFN promotes the family, in all its shapes and sizes, as a place where we can share the kind of mutual love to which we are called by our Christian faith—honouring one another, respecting each other’s gifts, supporting each other through suffering and encouraging each other in living a good life. We also promote families as practitioners of mission as they seek to live out their baptismal vocation in their communities and beyond. A family may share in evangelism or run a project to help grow new disciples. A family may undertake some form of shared service in their community, campaign together against injustice, or enter deeply into practical creation care. In all such activities they are contributing to the mission of the church, which is the mission of Christ. The stories in this newsletter show how families are places of mission within and beyond themselves, and how the church can support and strengthen them in this ministry.

Families in Mission: An Invitation to the bishops and spouses (July 2022)

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For the Lambeth Conference 2022, IAFN has published a 'Special Edition' newsletter showcasing stories published in recent years that illustrate the breadth and depth of mission among and through families around the Anglican Communion. The newsletter 'Families in Mission' begins with an invitation to the bishops and spouses to engage with the Family Network through subscribing to, and further distributing our newsletters, sharing their own stories, and following IAFN on social media. This invitation goes out also to Anglicans and ecumenical partners everywhere. Read our Special Edition, available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish, to find out more.

Young People and the COVID-19 Pandemic (September 2021)

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The COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on our young people. Their lives have been changed abruptly and perhaps forever. Read their stories in this newsletter as they describe their journeys of challenge, creativity, resilience and hope – all rooted in their faith and with the support of their church communities. For this edition, we have joined together with the Anglican Communion Youth Network and the International Anglican Women’s Network.

‘I Will Welcome the Stranger’: Showing compassion, mercy, love and hospitality among asylum-seekers, refugees and internally displaced persons (March 2021)

Our March 2021 newsletter has stories from around the Anglican Communion of compassion, mercy, love and hospitality shown among asylum-seekers, refugees and internally displaced people. There are many examples too of how those who, having had to leave behind their homes, livelihoods and often their families, are giving back and bringing blessing to their new communities.

The stories have come from North and South. With 29.6 million refugees, 4.2 million asylum-seekers, as well as 45.7 million internally displaced people across the globe (UNHCR 2020), the need to treat the stranger in our community as we would like to be treated, and to challenge intolerance, has never been greater.

A Shadow Pandemic: How Anglicans are responding to the increase in domestic abuse and gender-based violence in the time of COVID-19 (November 2020)

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Pakua kwa kiswahili

To mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence (25 November to 10 December 2020), the International Anglican Family Network has joined with the International Anglican Women’s Network to look at responses to domestic abuse and gender-based violence around the Communion. With one in three women experiencing physical and/or sexual abuse, and with domestic abuse increasing everywhere, this is the shadow pandemic during COVID-19.

Stories from around the Anglican Communion show different responses, from a structured diocesan response in Melbourne, Australia, to the story of vermicompost and economic empowerment in Bangladesh. These are very different responses to domestic abuse and they are effective, action-orientated and appropriate in their context. We hope you will be encouraged and inspired by them.

COVID-19: Church and Family - Responding creatively in a time of pandemic (August 2020)

Across the Anglican Communion, all our churches and communities are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are having to find new ways of ‘being church’ and to re-root in our faith and belief that God wills health and wholeness for all God’s children.

In his Editorial to our August 2020 newsletter ‘COVID-19: Church and Family’, Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, Primate of Southern Africa, reflects that ‘In the nations in which Anglicans live, the coronavirus pandemic is revealing both the weaknesses and strengths of our lives and societies, from our health systems to the living conditions of our neighbours and communities’. The stories in our newsletter show how, according to context, churches are responding creatively to these realities.

Families and the Climate Emergency: Stories of grief, faith, hope and action for all God's creation (March 2020)

A joint newsletter from the International Anglican Family Network, the Anglican Communion Environmental Network and the Anglican Alliance.

Wherever we are in the world, we are experiencing the impacts of the climate crisis which is affecting all God’s good creation. For this March 2020 newsletter, IAFN has joined with the Anglican Communion Environmental Network and the Anglican Alliance to gather stories about families and communities caught up in the climate crisis.

The stories reveal how churches and church initiatives are supporting families in surviving and coping with new challenges, and finding a way through ‘climate grief’ towards hope for the future of our planet and all creation. We hope the stories from Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Pacific, the Caribbean, North and South America, East and South Asia, will encourage and inspire you as you respond, in your own context, to the climate emergency.

The Church as Family: Helping people and communities to move towards hope and abundant life (November 2019)

At Baptism we are welcomed into the family of God as children of the same heavenly Father. The stories in our November 2019 newsletter show how churches around the Anglican Communion celebrate this relationship with God and with one another, and take seriously the responsibility we have to one another in the light of God’s love. In his editorial, Gregory Cameron, the Bishop of St Asaph, suggests that the stories might inspire us to thank God for our Anglican family and its work across the globe; pray for the risk-takers in these stories as they widen the boundaries of God’s love for all God's children; and think how we might join in risk-taking in our own contexts in order to widen the expression of God’s love to those most in need of it.

Families Under Pressure: How Can Churches Respond? (March 2019)

Our March 2019 Newsletter captures reflections, stories and hopeful conclusions from the IAFN Regional Consultation for Central Africa held in October 2018.

Participants from Botswana, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, assisted by a day's consultation with youth, grappled with some of the often severe pressures experienced by families in our time. Aside from economic pressures, increasing divorce rates and statistics around lone parenting and child-headed families, the challenges and blessings of information and communication technology were a recurring theme and led to some surprising insights into power dynamics in the family.

We hope this newsletter will inspire other Provinces, dioceses and parishes to consider families under pressure in their own contexts, and engage in consultation and action to support families that are fragile, advocate for families at every level of church life and mission, and embrace young people and the positive advances of technology in the life of the church. 

Abundant Life for All Children (June 2018)

“Do we have a reason to hope in the world we live in, into which we introduce children? Will the environment sustain them, will it be healthy, can the planet be saved, will there be enough for all, will our children be safe, will they have a reason to live and grow up into abundance of life and fulfilment? ...A growing child very quickly learns whether it is personally welcome and loved, whether it is raised in a household of hope.”

Archbishop David Moxon poses some important questions reflecting on the WCC ‘Churches Commitments to Children’ initiative. This latest edition of IAFN’s newsletter explores these commitments through stories that exemplify “candles lit for hope for children in many different parts of the world, even in places where the shadows appear to have gathered.”

Promoting Health in Families, (June 2017)

“To be caught up in healing and healthcare is to be drawn into God’s passion for human flourishing and the family offers a primary context where such flourishing is founded - an agency for restoring hope and recovering community.” (Bishop David Rossdale, IAFN Chair)

These words encapsulate what IAFN’s latest newsletter is all about, sharing stories from around the Anglican Communion of the many supportive ways churches and dioceses are coming alongside families affected by health difficulties and challenges. From pregnancy and birth care through to chaplaincy care for elders, this newsletter contains stories of mental, physical and emotional health, of community action and creative response throughout the varying stages and circumstances of life.

We give thanks for the extraordinary service of the people represented in this newsletter and for many more whose stories have not yet been told but whose work and commitment to the restoration of those who suffer reflect  Jesus’ kindness and compassion.

A Youthful Church, (September 2016)

IAFN’s latest newsletter is an encouragement. It tells stories from many different parts of the Communion about work being done to include children and young people in the life of Anglican churches and to assist them in exploring their own faith and spirituality.

The common themes are the need to involve the young, listen to them, and celebrate their energy and gifts. Some of the projects, such as the Umoja self-help groups and church-based playgroups which welcome all nationalities and faiths, build the life of the community as well as benefiting the young participants. Others focus on church growth and responding to the questions of young people as they explore their vocation.

And not forgotten are those outside the Church - children and young people who struggle with pressures such as abuse and family breakdown, or who simply need to be able to get to school.

Building Strong Families in the Way of Christ (April 2016)

This newsletter starts with the Editorial exploring the theology of the Cross where Christ’s strength is revealed in weakness. So what makes a strong family, strong family relationships and a strong Church? This is an important question when ‘strength’ can so easily mask abuses of power. 

 Jesus showed how love can be resilient and continuing, not diminishing in the face of injustice and cruelty.  For strong families in the Way of Christ, this strength depends on their ability to live out the love of God in the face of so much which undermines family life. Articles from all over the Communion then show this Way with strong foundations being built in Bible classes; the early marriage of young girls and domestic violence being challenged by an understanding of Scripture; and families being helped to cope with the trauma of loss and stigma.  The final section shows how in some places the family of the Church is ‘welcoming the stranger’ and providing some help to the many refugees fleeing persecution and war.

The Family – A Reconciling Community (August 2015)

This Newsletter continues IAFN’s exploration of the theological basis for the concept of ‘family’ and celebrates the potential of Christ’s reconciling love lived out in family settings. We all have a deep need to belong and family can provide a community where each of its members experience mutual love, encouragement and support. But families can also be places of tension, exclusion and oppression, particularly in times of rapid change.

The Family – A Reconciling Community shows how practical, Gospel-centred approaches to the family can lead to healing. In West Africa, for example, new models of gender roles are improving relationships in the home and increasing household income and stability. Positive Parenting Programmes in many parts of the Anglican Communion help parents respond to changing social contexts. The reality of family divisions and the possibilities of reconciliation are powerfully expressed in a Tanzanian response to female genital mutilation. A story from England reveals an approach to working through the pressures on teenagers and their families, and initiatives in Hong Kong and Burundi show how the family can be the place for reconciliation when members are affected by the impacts of substance abuse or the stigma of disease.

Church Responses to Human Trafficking (January 2015)

The International Anglican Family Network (IAFN) and the International Anglican Women's Network (IAWN) have produced a joint newsletter for January 2015. The subject of human trafficking is a key issue for both Networks as Anglican churches and other faith groups rise to the challenge of responding to the reality that every year, thousands of men women and children fall into the hands of traffickers, in their own countries and abroad.

This joint edition looks at how churches can partner each other and with other agencies to prevent human trafficking; how they are supporting survivors in very different contexts, and how they are raising awareness in their communities.

Partnerships may be international as in the case of the Global Freedom Network and Stop the Traffik, or they may be at national or community level as in Malawi where the churches are raising awareness among vulnerable groups and in Nepal where practical steps are being taken to protect children.

Stories from the UK, Kolkata and Hong Kong describe different models for enabling survivors to recover and thrive.

Raising awareness is all our work. As the story of missing Jessie Foster reminds us,we all need to be aware.

Family: The Gift of Dignity (September 2014)

This newsletter introduces inspiring and challenging stories with a theological reflection on 'family' experienced as redemptive community, where all its members find equal dignity, belonging and forgiveness.

A South African student is surprised and excited by a new understanding of positive masculinity. Projects in Madagascar seek to empower women to help their families develop and flourish. Articles from Australia and Scotland describe work to help children and youth establish respectful relationships. The Christian organisation Viva Uganda shows how overcoming difficulties in registering births contributes to a sense of belonging as well as formal identity. In order to thrive, families need to be safe and feel secure. Stories from Peru, Vanuatu and a Syrian refugee camp give us a glimpse of the threat to families from poverty, war and global pressures. Finally, an article from Rwanda shows how a Mothers' Union parenting and child protection programme is supporting parents in giving children a safe environment where they can flourish.

Church Response to Domestic Abuse (November 2013)

Published to help mark the 16 Days of Activism against Violence against Women, the IAFN newsletter on the theme of Church Responses to Domestic Abuse shows both the scope and international extent of such abuse within families and the growing efforts now being made by churches and faith organisations to combat it.
Instead of dismissing physical violence and coercive control as a "private matter" or part of a culture, work is being done on the causes of such violence.
Christian theology teaches that men and women are created by God in God's image; they are partners, and Jesus' whole life showed that power and authority should not mean dominance but self-giving love.

Birth Registration: Church Responses (June 2013)

Churches can help families to overcome obstacles to birth registration. The stories in this newsletter show how this can be done. Why should churches care about this? Because children who are not registered at birth may not have access to education, health care, and other benefits of citizenship. In Uganda, Mozambique and Madagascar, successful partnerships between UNICEF and the Mothers' Union have resulted in thousands more children obtaining birth certificates. This not only opens many doors for them but provides a more accurate database of statistics which assists governments and civic authorities in their task of providing vital services.

Divided Families (May 2012)

Civil conflict, eviction from informal settlements and demolition of homes, drug and alcohol abuse, incarceration, migration in search of work, and family breakdown are just some of the circumstances that can split families apart. The stories gathered in this newsletter 'Divided Families' describe some of the causes of separation and the pain and loss that go with it. But they also speak of innovative and hopeful projects undertaken by Anglican churches and Christian organisations which set out to heal and restore, offer practical support, and make life more bearable for those who have been cut off from their loved ones and those who would normally provide for the safety and daily needs of home and family.

Count Every Child (November 2011) 

This newsletter, the final IAFN publication for this year, raises issues about birth registration and identity. A birth certificate "is a small paper but it actually establishes who you are and gives access to the rights and the privileges and the obligations of citizenship."(Archbishop Desmond Tutu)

Violence and the Family (July 2011)

“Violence in the home is a violation of God’s wish for humanity.” This is how Bishop David Chillingworth, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, begins his editorial for the third IAFN newsletter in the series on Violence and the Family.

This edition shows how churches in many part of the Communion are responding to the challenge of violence in the home. Participants’ in the recent IAFN Oceania consultation on Violence and the Family were quick to put their learning into practice and have been raising awareness of the issue and working to prevent it in their own contexts.

The Primates have called on the churches of the Anglican Communion to combat the global problem of gender violence and this newsletter shows how some churches are already taking action.

Violence and the Family (December 2010)

This newsletter on Violence and the Family is the first of a series of three issues on this theme. It includes articles from different regions of Africa, from Pakistan, Australia and UK. All make clear the prevalence of violence within the home, both between couples and against children, and the newsletter gives a wider Communion context to the work of the consultation for the Oceania region held in October at the Family Centre, Lower Hutt, Wellington.

The Family and Trafficking (July 2010)

Trafficking is a world-wide problem, driven by the same forces that drive the globalisation of markets, with no lack of demand and supply. In varying degrees and circumstances, men, women and children all over the world are victims of what has become a modern day slave trade. Almost every country of the world is affected either as a source, transit, and/or destination country for women, children and men trafficked for the purposes of sexual or labour exploitation. This Newsletter looks at Anglican and other Christian initiatives across the world, such as the Anglican Church of Southern Africa's response to increased trafficking around the Football World Cup, raising awareness in rural communities in India, and the care and support of vulnerable migrant women in Hong Kong.

Reconciliation and the Family (Easter 2010)

The Church preaches a Gospel of reconciliation. But what work does it do to help alleviate breakdown in relationships and discord within families and society? This newsletter helps to answer this question, with articles from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, bishops from the Congo and Mozambique, the Melanesian Brotherhood, parish priests in Argentina and Kenya, church workers and organisations in Israel, Ireland, Hong Kong, Columbia, Canada, Australia and England. There are amazing stories of forgiveness from people who have suffered horrific violence; of patient work to help parents whose relationship is breaking down and to support their children; of schemes to turn swords into ploughshares; and of efforts to help child soldiers, who are shunned and feared, to re-integrate back into their families and society.

Death and the Family (November 2009)

This is a difficult subject. The articles in this newsletter tell of how the churches in many parts of the Anglican Communion seek to respond to death. There are stories of almost unbearable grief and loss: both on a personal scale within families and where large-scale disaster through war or hurricane brings tragedy to whole communities. But the newsletter also tells of Christian faith and hope, of compassion and help for the bereaved, and people facing the pain of separation from their loved ones and clinging on to belief in the risen Christ.

Valuing our Elders (July 2009)

This is the latest IAFN newsletter to be published and includes articles from Africa, Argentina, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, West Indies, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, the Anglican Indigenous Network and the UK. The newsletter celebrates the value age can bring while also highlighting the importance of facing the realities of age and ageing and describing projects which work to provide support for those who need it. An example of creative ageing is embodied in the cover picture of a Canadian woman, 75 years old at the time of the photograph, who published her autobiography in her 90s and continued to visit elderly people when aged 100.

Investing in Childhood (February 2009)

2009 sees the 20th anniversary of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, and the 30th of the Year of the Child (1979). What progress has been made investing in those things which work for a more child-friendly world? The articles in this newsletter, drawn from many countries, present a sombre picture. Our investment in the growing trees of the forest (the children) remains woefully inadequte. But many of the stories also tell of resilience and courage; of projects starting from very small seeds which have grown to bring encouragement, support and education to many - girls as well as boys; and of work being done by followers of Jesus who, despite the odds, have not lost hope.

Helping Families - A Vital Part of the Churches' Mission (Lambeth Conference 2008)

The Report of a recent Conference held in South Africa on Towards Effective Anglican Mission noted "As frequently reiterated during the course of the Conference, many congregations within the Anglican Communion are doing work around the Millennium Development Goals; however, this work is largely unknown to the rest of the body. Accordingly, the Communion must strive to improve its communication in an effort to disseminate best practices and share expertise and resources.

The Impact of Globalisation on Families and Communities (Easter 2008)

This newsletter follows the consultation organised by the Family Network in co-operation with the Anglican Church of Korea and held in Seoul n 2007. It includes articles based on papers presented by several of the delegates. These tell of the impact of global economic forces on families in Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, The Philippines, Singapore and Australia, with the growth in the numbers of women and men working away from their homes and the resulting pressure on them and their families.

The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Children (January 2008)

It is estimated that worldwide some 15 million children have already lost one or more parents to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Apart from the devastating effects of bereavement, many orphaned children have to cope with the care of siblings while others are themselves infected by the virus which can be transmitted to them at their birth. In some parts of the Anglican Communion, the statistics are known and horrifying; in others the known numbers are small but the problems of combating ignorance and stigma are huge. In this newsletter, stories from many different Provinces of the Anglican Communion reveal the terrible disparity of provision for children affected by HIV/AIDS, but all tell of faithful work being done to protect and help them: education projects; medical care, support projects which provide food and clothing or simply friendship and a chance to forget about HIV.

Urban Families (Michaelmas 2007)

Over half the global population now live in towns and cities. Cities with over 10 million people are becoming commonplace. Elsewhere smaller settlements are exploding with rural migrants. And cities are young places, as young adults are most likely to move to urban areas to make their new homes. Urban life exposes young people to new worldviews, technologies and lifestyles. It also exposes them to the inequalities of the society where they live as shanty towns grow up near gated communities. In the midst of our cities - and the slums - are stories of hope, of risks taken in faith. Articles in this newsletter show glimpses of visions of a different city - one of possibility, of energy and safe spaces; the place where the stranger can become the neighbour and where new expressions of community can flourish.

Slavery and the Family:Past and Present (Trinity 2007)

The newsletter marks the 200 years since Britain abolished the Slave Trade and looks back at the history and achievement of William Wilberforce, inspired as he was by his study of the Bible and Christ's teaching. But the main focus of the newsletter is to show that 1807 did not mark the end of slavery as a practice or system. The newsletter also tells of work being done to help the victims of modern forms of slavery and calls on Christians to recognise today's oppression and - like Wilberforce - labour to oppose it.

Community Families (Newyear 2007)

explores the significance and nature of different forms of community: L'Arche communities for the disabled; communities for children who have no families; migrant communities and religious communities. The newsletter contains articles from South Africa, Botswana, Uganda, Kenya, Cambodia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and UK.

Acts of Terror and the Family (Trinity 2006)

contains moving stories from all over the Communion, written by people who have suffered from acts of terror. They tell of the loss of family members and the pain of bereavement, the trauma of terror and its effects on the family and the wider community. At the same time there is hope in their journey towards recovery and healing and their efforts to lessen such pain for others.

Families and Health (Newyear 2005/2006)

This newsletter contains articles from a wide range of countries in Africa, Asia and parts of the Western world telling of the efforts to combat malaria and malnutrition and work to promote understanding of HIV/AIDS and to prevent its spread.

Women and Poverty (Trinity 2005)

This newsletter tells of "the feminine face of poverty" and shows how women are often the most afflicted by poverty because of factors such as their lack of economic power; skills and status and the need to care for their families. Yet women's voices have not often been sought or listened to. In this newsletter, articles from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Uganda, South Africa, Brazil, Burma, India, Bangladesh, Israel, USA and UK enable the voices of some women to be heard.

Families at the Frontiers of Faith (Eastertide 2005)

This newsletter shows how many people face up to inter faith issues in family life, in inter faith marriages, in bringing up young people in an inter faith context. Projects and individuals in Jerusalem, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Indonesia and UK work to break down the religious barriers and develop understanding of a common humanity.

Moving Families (Michaelmas/Advent 2004/2005)

This newsletter tells the stories of people displaced from their homes by violence: in the Sudan and the Congo, Burma and Kosovo. Articles reveal the struggle to re-settle in a new land, often not knowing whether close family members are alive or dead. The newsletter also has articles about migrant workers in China, the Philippines and Hong Kong telling of their exploitation and encouraging action by churches and Christians to welcome and support them. The final section is about travelling families - the difficulties of gypsies in UK and the rapid changes to the life of nomads in the Sinai desert.

International Year of the Family: Ten Years On - Problems and Progress (Trinity 2004)

This newsletter asks what has been achieved since the International Year of the Family in 1994. Articles from a wide range of countries tell of the increasing number of single parent families, of the changing role of parents with more women becoming the breadwinners and some men becoming more involved with the care of their children. A major concern over the ten years is the spread of HIV/AIDS and the newsletter tells of practical projects developed to help those affected by the pandemic.

Abandoned Children (New Year 2003/2004)

Newsletter tells of children fending for themselves in the face of danger and disease not only without adequate material resources but also without the love and emotional support that all human beings need to survive. But as well as of the horrors, articles tell of the work being done: the provision of refuges and day care for children in Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina, Burundi and Rwanda; the work of a church in Estonia to repair the building and use it as a centre for hungry and neglected children; the work of organisations in Scotland and England where even in such wealthy countries run away children and children in care need vital support.

Violence and the Family (Michaelmas 2003)

This newsletter follows the regional African consultation held on this theme in Nairobi in 2003. It draws on the issues discussed with great energy and application by the 32 delegates at the conference and sets out their recommendations for action. Perspectives are also included from other parts of the Anglican Communion, showing how violence against women and within the family is endemic across the world and calling on the Church to listen and break the silence about such abuse.

Children and Work (Trinity 2003)

In 2003, the International Labour Organisation estimated there were 246 million working children aged between 5 and 17. Although some tasks can teach important skills, for millions their work is dangerous and destructive, depriving them of their childhood, if not their life. Articles from India, Malawi, Uganda, Ghana, Tanzania, Zambia, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Sri Lanka, China, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Spain and Scotland show the international nature of such exploitation of children and work being done - often linked with churches - to help them.

Food and the Family (Christmas 2002)

This newsletter is one of startling contrasts. In some Western societies, obesity and ill health are the problems, while in many developing areas of the Anglican Communion the articles highlight malnutrition and starvation. But the picture is not simple and articles from UK tell of anorexia, a form of self starvation and its effect on family members. Other articles look at the effect of globalisation and practical ways forward such as the Fairtrade movement which works to ensure that food producers in the Two Thirds world are adequately paid for their produce.

The Burden of Care (Michaelmas 2002)

tells of parents coping with a disabled child, of children coping with disabled siblings and of how many find joy in caring and manage to care for numerous additional family members orphaned through AIDS. In countries such as Papua New Guinea and parts of Africa, the extended family and local community frequently help. But even here, the culture of such support is being weakened and the Church, as an intergenerational community with a mandate to care, needs to encourage the work already being done by organisations such as The Mothers' Union, the Salvation Army and many others, and increase its support for those whose burden is too heavy.

Women and the Family (Trinity 2002)

Many African mothers are desperate to get funds to help them educate their daughters and enable them to escape the cycle of poverty, early pregnancy, single parenthood and more poverty. Research shows that educating women and girls is the single most effective strategy for reducing poverty. Several articles in this newsletter show that women in many parts of the world are now the breadwinner for their families. For some, this can develop their opportunities and this newsletter also celebrates the strength of women, working to bring peace in the Sudan, more social cohesion in S. India, learning new skills in the Lebanon. But the extension of "women's work" can also be an added burden - particularly if there is little partnership between men and women in the many tasks of family care.

Family Breakdown (Christmas 2001)

The articles in this newsletter tell of increased marriage and relationship breakdown, more children on the streets, more despair fuelling alcohol and drug abuse. But the picture is not all bleak. A Canadian author points out that a marriage breakdown may, in some cases, represent a new start, free from hidden violence and abuse. Many articles tell of vigorous efforts, from all over the Anglican Communion, to help the casualties of family breakdown, both parents and children and the potential of churches and parishes to provide a supportive "family."

Children and War (Michaelmas 2001)

In 2001, a UN Report concluded that in as many as 50 countries children are suffering in the middle of armed conflict. Increasingly in some areas children are specifically targeted, recruited as combatants or abducted to serve as sexual slaves to soldiers. Articles from Burundi, Sierra Leone, Congo, Rwanda, the Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania, give glimpses of the horror. Not only Africa is affected: authors from Iraq, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Cambodia, Palestine, Israel and Northern Ireland write of the violence perpetrated against children and tell of the ministry of the Church to these casualties of war.

Education and the Family (Trinity 2001)

Newsletter tells of the "treasure of education" which is lost through war, poverty, family breakdown or - in parts of the world - is denied to girls and women. The articles give voice to those for whom education is not provided by the state free of charge and shows how the gender gap has a high cost with an increased mortality rate among babies born to ill-educated women. In the developed world, articles from Australia and New Zealand and UK emphasise the importance of value-based education and the need to support and strengthen families.

Faith in the Family (Christmas 2000)

Newsletter outlines changes in society which affect families and their faith. Now the transmission and nurturing of faith is not "fashionable"; it has to be worked for in a range of ways by parents, by church evangelism, by modern communications, by fathers as well as mothers. There is Good News in the newsletter. Some articles, eg from Paraguay and Australia, tell of difficulties leading to deeper faith and commitment.

Prison and Families (Michaelmas 2000)

The families of prisoners have been described as invisible, the forgotten victims. Partners and children, parents and relatives are often stigmatised and placed in situations of great hardship through no fault of their own. Articles in the newsletter tell how churches and church organisations in USA, South Africa, Nigeria, Zambia, Kenya, Ghana, Dominican Republic, Pakistan and many other countries have set up projects to help both prisoners and their families.

Fathers and Families (Easter 2000) 

Throughout the Anglican Communion, there is evidence of the dislocation of rapid change, often in part brought about by economic forces which undermine the role of men for example as "breadwinner" of the family. Many of the articles tell of the difficulties of fathers, particularly the young men who have had little education or job opportunities. At the same time, research from many countries shows the importance of fathers in the upbringing and nurture of children.

Water and the Needs of Families (Advent 1999)

For those in rain-drenched countries, imagination is sometimes needed to grasp the importance of water. But in many parts of the world, water is a matter of hard labour and survival. And wherever there are water shortages or pollution, it is the poor who suffer most. Articles from a wide range of countries tell of projects and partnerships to provide clear water and so fight disease, of education about environmental degradation and increasing water shortages. Articles written by expert contributors from USA show that the global water situation concerns us all.

  • Single Parent Families (Michaelmas 1999)
  • Prostitution (Trinity 1999)
  • Women's Voices: Lambeth 1998 (report of some aspects of the Spouses' Programme at Lambeth)
  • Families: The Challenge to the Church (newsletter for 1998 Lambeth Conference, July 1998)
  • Families and Disability (Easter 1998)
  • Young People: Risk, Exploitation and Abuse (Advent 1997)
  • The Challenge of Parenthood (Michaelmas 1997)
  • Moving Families: Migration, Immigration and Asylum (Easter 1997)
  • HIV and AIDS and Young People (Advent 1996)
  • Strengthening Marriage (Michaelmas 1996)
  • Women and Violence (Lent 1996)
  • Tackling Poverty in Families (October 1995)
  • Street Children (February 1995)
  • Cohabitation - A Challenge for the Church? (October 1994)
  • Elderly People and the Family (March 1994)
  • HIV and AIDS and the Family (October 1993)
  • Refugees and their Families (Spring 1993)

Please note: the views of individual contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the International Anglican Family Network